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coral 8.3.1 seems not run properly


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I take back a previous post I made about it not working also. On windows 2003 server, it works fine. Make sure you manually edit the HTACCESS file that gets inserted into your vhost directory to allow internet access. Editing it from the US interface dont seem to edit that file. My problem was with vhosting, but it was just the htaccess file screwing things up for me.

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i have to correct me. Obviously, when i use InternetExplorer i can't show the website of UniServer 8.3.1. Any other browser works fine.



Apache 2.4.1 has confirmed hick-ups on windows. Some time after running apache doesn't respond. No error, no crash.


The solution is to add these lines at the top of http.conf:

AcceptFilter http none 
EnableSendfile Off 
EnableMMAP off




And about 8.3.1 does NOT work on Windows 7 in PROGRAM MODE; this is a problem who BobS and Ric have to solve in the scripts.


If you start httpd.exe in C:\webserver\usr\local\apache2\bin manualy, the website runs fine.


When i install and start apache as service i have no problems under windows 7. Only in program mode.

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this is weird, when I change line 431-436


<Directory "D:/UniServer/home/us_splash/">

Options Indexes Includes

AllowOverride All

Require all granted






<Directory "D:/UniServer/home/us_splash/">

Options Indexes Includes

AllowOverride All

Order allow,deny

Allow from all



it's run properly. but you only can't access http://localhost/us_splash/index.php

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