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7.0.0 Default php Extensions Crashes


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I seem to encounter some issues with the php_snmp extension:


1) Clean installed 7.0.0

2) Able to start and launch Uniform Server and use phpmyadmin and so on.

3) Uncommented the extension=php_snmp.dll in php.ini

4) Stopped apache / mysql

5) Started Apache / Mysql, about 10 seconds later it crashes with "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk3\DR3".


6) Commented the extension=php_snmp.dll out again, able to launch apache / mysql as normal.


I could understand there should be some "issues" with the extentions if I were to go fetch them myself, but these are the ones that are in the package with Uniform server. Or is it me who is forgetting / doing something wrong ?


Done the same with php-cli.ini, just added the php_snmp.dll. and if I run php.exe from a cmd it crashes with the same error. The previous was just to cut it up into pieces.


So what exactly am I overlooking ? ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Well no responses so far it seems... but played around with it:


Can install apache & php as normal distributions, can use snmp just fine.


Could use xampp package (beta version) with same php version, np.


Backtracked down to which Uniform server version I was last using and could get php_snmp.dll to work with.


(outta the box and normal extension adding + enable php_snmp.dll extenion in php ini files):

6.1.1 ok (had to manually get php_snmp.dll from the php package)

6.1.2 crash (had to manually get php_snmp.dll from the php package)

6.1.3 crash (had to manually get php_snmp.dll from the php package)

6.1.4 crash (had to manually get php_snmp.dll from the php package)

6.1.5 crash (had to manually get php_snmp.dll from the php package)

7.0.0 crash (php_snmp.dll file now included in UniformServer package)

7.0.1 crash (php_snmp.dll file now included in UniformServer package)


major change I noticed moving from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 was etc OpenSSL so started out with just plainly & fairly brutally deleting the : libeay32.dll in the php folder, and now able to run php.exe with snmp. (with a 'few' errors for curl & openssl extension in the window of course) Uncommented thoose 2 extensions, and now working fine without errors. (except mibs not found warnings.)


Yes I know uniform menu wont work now.. but it goes to show that the out of box installation can run php & snmp.


Should be pretty easy to test and confirm, if anyone would be that kind.

1) install clean uniform server

2) enable php_snmp.dll in php ini files (if you are on a version they are included for you etc v7.0.0 / v7.0.1, or you have to get the dll file yourself)

3.A) Launch uniform server menu, and start apache + mysql. by my experience so far this will only end up crashing apache. (with the php_snmp.dll enabled)

3.B) Run php.exe from php folder. (the extenion line added to php-cli.ini required btw "extension=php_snmp.dll").


So for now, staying on Carbo 6.1.1 on my dev setup. Unless I find a way to downgrade the openssl version.



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Yea previous post was written at a late hour... but truely if anyone can say... what is it that I am overlooking to make this work normally? (assuming this is not a bug, but a pure end user error...)

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