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Server Mapping with 3.3 in HomeSite


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Thank you for Uniform Server.


I have many hundreds of .htm and .php documents in D:\aa_web_projects. If I place one of those documents into C:\Program Files\UniformServer\Uniform Server\diskw\www, it opens perfectly, but moving all of my web_projects documents there isn't feasible.


I've had other WAMP installations that I didn't like nearly as much as Uniform Server 3.3, and my solution to the documents location problem was solved by HomeSite 5.5, in which I can enable server mapping. Usually, I would map from D:\aa_web_projects to http://localhost/, and when I would preview a PHP page I was working on, HomeSite would run it through my server to display it, so the PHP would work.


When I try this in Uniform Server, I get: "The webpage cannot be found."


The same thing happens when I try to map to W:/www.


It doesn't matter whether I try to view an HTML page or a PHP page.


I also tried editing httpd.conf so that Document Root is D:\aa_web_projects, but that didn't help.


I'm using Windows XP SP2, with the Windows Firewall blocking Apache and MySQL from accepting connections from the Internet.


I would be most grateful for any suggestions on how to get this mapping to work. Given the many developers still using HomeSite, I'll bet it will help a lot of others as well.

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Does the server work our of the box?


Uniform Server is not like HomeSite, it uses different technology... so you can't just be messing around with it like that.... and you can't just definately change the Document Root like that... as you can see, the server is mobile.


If you move the whole folder to /www, then you should be able to preview it, if you move the files including the folder, then you can view it at http://localhost/folder, but if it just the files, then http://localhost should work.


Using virtual host on Uniform Server has been kind of a pain, some method works and some codes dont, so you have to search the forum and try them all... not that much, just about 5 or less methods have been checked....


If anything, we are here....


Good Luck...

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Thank you for your reply.


Yes, it works out of the box. If not, I wouldn't bother trying to get it working with HomeSite.


The only adjustment I tried making to Uniform Server was the Document Root, which as I said, didn't help, so I restored the original Document Root.


Moving everything into /www would be a very last resort. I'm hoping someone can suggest what location to map TO in HomeSite. Perhaps another way to look at it would be, "How would an appication outside of Uniform Server find the server in order to run a document on it?"


If you think the answer might be in these forums somewhere, what search terms would you suggest to find them? I tried mapping and HomeSite.

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Why don't you want to move things over to the server document root? That would be better dont you thing....


I am not sure but 'alias'ing in Apache might work for you and if that does not work, then 'Virtual Host'ing should work.


"alias" or "Virtual Host"

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Virtual Hosting works perfectly with Homesite, I've been doing it for absolutely ages...


The trick is to set up virtual hosts for the sites in the Uniform Server, then in Homesite / Prefrences / Browser set up a matching mappings so Homesite knows which virtual host to browse for a particular source directory.


Couch Potatoe

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Thank you, Couch Potatoe.


I've read several threads here on virtual hosts and a couple of articles elsewhere, but I still don't quite understand how to do what I want to do, which is to get documents in D:\aa_web_projects to run on Uniform Server when I open them in HomeSite's preview browser.


Would you be so kind as to show me what you added to your httpd.conf?

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Would you be so kind as to show me what you added to your httpd.conf?



the tail end of my httpd.conf file looks like this: -


# You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
# configuration.
# Use name-based virtual hosting.

NameVirtualHost *

# VirtualHost example:
# Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
# The first VirtualHost section is used for requests without a known
# server name.
#<VirtualHost *>
#	ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host.example.com
#	DocumentRoot /www/docs/dummy-host.example.com
#	ServerName dummy-host.example.com
#	ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log
#	CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common

##########VIRTUAL HOST SETUP##########
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName localhost:80
DocumentRoot /www/

##########VIRTUAL HOST SETUP##########
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName www.hra.test
DocumentRoot /www/www.hra/

##########VIRTUAL HOST SETUP##########
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName forums.hra.test
DocumentRoot /www/forums.hra/


This gave me two virtual servers, one called "www.hra.test" with its files located in "/www/www.hra" and one called "forums.hra.test" with its files located in "/www/forums.hra/"


To browse these sites through the local server you need to modify the hosts file, in my case I added: - www.hra.test forums.hra.test


This allowed me to browse "http://www.hra.test" and "http://forums.hra.test" by typing the addresses in the browsers address bar.


Then its just a spmple matter of telling homesite which address to browse when looking at files from a particular directory (browser mapping in prefrences...)



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