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How to Install Joomla?


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Uniform Server installed fine, however for the life of me I don't know how to install joomla. I d/l the latest but I don't know what directory to place the files. Currently US is installed as C:\uniformserver\diskw\demosite

From that folder I am able to start US by clicking on Server_Start

My problem is where do I place the joomla directories and files, what folder.

Also how do I Start the installation process of joomla.

Thanks for any help.

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My problem is where do I place the joomla directories and files, what folder.

Also how do I Start the installation process of joomla.

Thanks for any help.


You've to put all files in diskw/www .. you should create a folder in diskw/www named "joomla" and extact or dump all files into it and then http://localhost/joomla would do everything. Please read following, it'll guide you further.




good luck!

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