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Running second board


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I was wondering how to running two boards on the Uniform server, and if it is possible. I have made a second file and installed a fresh phpbb. But in order to bring up the second one I have to change the name of the file www.


1.) How to make it change from one db to another without having to change name of the folder?


If the forside doesn't see the index.php what or where do I need to adjust to fix that?



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I have fixed the index problem. I still would like to know how to make it work with both data bases without having to change the W:/ file name in order to get the forum I need.


Also Is anyone else able to log out of your test server board to view it as a guest, without having a login problem?

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Do you mean, having two different forums (with two different databases) running from the same forum installation (like what WPMU does for WordPress)?



I don't know anything about WPMU. Yes I have two seperate forums. Both installed on the uniformserver. What I'm looking to find out is if there is a way to change between the two without having to go to W:/, and change the folder name to www.


When you activeate the uniformserver and hit the server button it automatically brings up the folder that is named www. I was hoping to set it up to interchange between the two.

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I am confused. Your question is not fully explained....


If you want to run 2 phpBB installations, yes you can. You can put both of them in a folder. They do not have to be in the main W:/www/ folder.


1 can be in W:/www/phpbb1/ and the other in W:/www/phpbb2/


You can also have 2 databases for each of them and you can switch between databases for both of them if they are the same version of phpBB. You also have to beware of the fact of installed mods and hacks.

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I am confused. Your question is not fully explained....


If you want to run 2 phpBB installations, yes you can. You can put both of them in a folder. They do not have to be in the main W:/www/ folder.


1 can be in W:/www/phpbb1/ and the other in W:/www/phpbb2/


You can also have 2 databases for each of them and you can switch between databases for both of them if they are the same version of phpBB. You also have to beware of the fact of installed mods and hacks.


Yes i want to run two phpbb installations with separate databases. I currently have both of them install in the W:/ , in separate folders. When I want to bring up one of the boards I have to rename the folder to www.


The uniserver as I have it running on my computer, when started automatically brings up the www folder. What I want to find out how to do, is to set it up so that I can control which board I'm looking at without having to rename the file.


I'm not sure if this cleared it up any but the above is what I would like to do. Is it possible?

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Yes i want to run two phpbb installations with separate databases. I currently have both of them install in the W:/ , in separate folders. When I want to bring up one of the boards  I have to rename the folder to www.


The uniserver as I have it running on my computer, when started automatically brings up the www folder. What I want to find out how to do, is to set it up so that I can control which board I'm looking at without having to rename the file.


I'm not sure if this cleared it up any but the above is what I would like to do. Is it possible?


Arrggghhh... :)

There are so many possible solutions to your problem (as you haven't explained it properly)

By the way, why are you trying to make the forums run in W:\www\ and not in a folder of W:\www\?


I'll list 3 solutions that I can think of here:

1) Put them in a folder of W:\www\. For example, you will have your 1st forum in W:\www\Forum1\ and your 2nd forum in W:\www\Forum2\. With this, you'll have to use http://localhost/Forum1/ and http://localhost/Forum2/ (to view your forum) instead of http://localhost/ that you have been using.

2) A Multi Forum phpBB Installation. The only disadvantage of this is that you'll need money and a Linux/Unix based server.

3) Virtual Hosts running on different Subdomains, Hosts or Ports with a different DocumentRoot.


I think solution #1 would be the best :P :D :)

Edited by MrX
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:D Why so :P ? , I understand this all maybe second nature to you. However, I really only started playing with forums and dealing with script about a year and a half ago.


I am using this program strictly as a test board. So I am not using it as a host for these two forums. Just to test out different modifications.


Your suggestions have helped me aquire what I was wanting to do. Thank you. :) :)

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Time taken to solve this problem..

*pulls out a calculator immediately*

13 days :) :P!! Wow, that's almost 2 weeks :lol:

Can anyone beat this? :P


Anyway, I would've told you what you overlooked, earlier, if you cared to visit the Uniform Server IRC Channel :D

Answering vague questions with lots of possible solutions on a forum isn't my cup of tea :) (especially when the Edit button on some of my posts mysteriously disappear), you're lucky I decided to do so ;)


By the way, where was Olajide when all this happened? :) :D


You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message

What? What is it trying to say? I'm a smilie / emoticon abuser?

*gives the forum a kick*



lol... Both of you make me laugh.


:crazy: :)


w00t?! I never knew about that smilie / emoticon!!

*spots the Show All Smilies button, clicks it and starts memorizing*


(Smilies / Emoticons used in this post = 10)

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lol.. The same thing happened to me once in the old forum before we lost everything due to my host's screw up....


I think the limit is 15-30 or somewhere in the middle.. :D :P


After abusing IRC, not you are trying to abuse the Forum....


@risk MrX banned :) lol

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