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Apache cannot be started and the error is not displayed.


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I've just downloaded and tested UniServerZ 15.0.2 and everything went perfectly fine on my side!

Please ensure you have installed the latest supported Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Visual Studio.
Download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads (select: vc_redist.x64.exe)

Also, if you've changed the MySQL root password on startup, try to reset it using Restore default password (root) from the MySQL menu.
Restart the server after that.

Did that help?

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same issue trying to use version 15.0.2.
15.0.1 works fine.
I've installed the latest version of vc_redist.x64.exe (14.40.33810.0). No change.
I'm running Windows 7 Pro.
I find it strange that such a small version number change could make such a difference.
I'm trying to use the latest versions of PHP and MySQL. I can live with 15.0.1 for now but is there anything else that could help me get 15.0.2 to work?

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Could you please use the Apache Syntax Check menu button to initiate a syntax check on Apache's configuration files?
Here's how to do that: https://www.doc.uniformserver.com/apache.html#Apache Syntax Check -t

Either copy / paste the results here, or provide a screenshot.

Note that if there are any special characters in UniServer's path, it won't start.

Thank you!

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