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Unable to access Joomla in installation process


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I have just installed Uniform Server and I am trying to then install Joomla using the template "siteground11" which is definitely on the disk(w).


The result is this:


Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'http://localhost/siteground11/'. Line 1, Position 44

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>Direct Access to this location is not allowed.


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The error message is the results of coding in the index.php template files when you directly access this file by typing into you browser some_ip_address/index.php you get the error message.


The pages can only be accessed via a valid top-level index path such as the index.html page.


I think the problem you are observing is the fact you have gone live with your site and downloading templates from Siteground at




Which expects a valid path for your live site however your path is probably set for a local test site! (This looks like a direct access from an external source)


Edit the configuration file configuration.php located in folder W:\www\joomla with a suitable text editor.


Change the line:


$mosConfig_live_site = 'http://localhost/joomla';


To something like:


$mosConfig_live_site = 'http://www.yourlivesite.com/joomla';


Well give that a bash and see if it works.


All the best

Mike :)

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