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Installed but confused

Deron Sizemore

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I downloaded the zip file and extracted it to a folder I made called "test server" on my C: drive. I get this message when I type in http://localhost in my web browser:


* Change the username:password for the Admin Panel by editing '/htaccess/home/admin/www/.htpasswd'

* Change the username:password for the server (if private) by editing '/htaccess/www/.htpasswd'

* Change the root password for mysql by editing '/home/admin/www/mysql_password'


So I'm headed to my "test server" folder to try and find these files and change what it tells me to, and then I notice that I've also now got a "Local Disk (W:)" under My Computer with the same exact folders/files that my "Test Server" folder has on the C: drive. So which one do I use here? I'm completely lost as to what is going on.

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Well I see that my Local Disk (W) only shows up when the server is started and running.


I went in and changed all of the usernames and passwords it told me to "in red" and after a server restart, still it's telling me change these same username and passwords under my "security checklist". Does this ever go away, or is it just a reminder? I keep thinking I'm doing something wrong here.


Also, while the server is running, can I just place my test site in the "W:" local disk, or do I need to place it in my "test server/uniform server/www/" directory on my "C:" drive?

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1) The security warnings in red do remain even when you have changed usernames and passwords.


2) You correctly observed that disk W is created when the server starts and is destroyed when you stop the servers.


The drive letter W (Disk) created is a virtual drive meaning it does not physically exist in reality it is a mapping to where the real server was installed.


This allows you to move the real server to any location and when you run the servers the virtual drive will appear unchanged.


The virtual drive acts and appears like a real disk drive if you create a folder or load your web site into the folder W:\www the folder will be created and your website will be loaded into W:\www. It looks like a real drive but what you have really changed is the real server contents. Hence when you stop the server you do not loose your changes.


If you change the original www folder contents these will be reflected in drive W when you start the servers.


The point is that with the servers running you can use either the original or the virtual drive to load your test site (folder www) because they are the same thing. The test site will be saved in the orignal server location regardless.


Another way to view drive W is that it acts as short cuts to the original. Move the original onto a memory stick and run the servers from it. Drive W will be created change anything in Drive W and it will be saved to you memory stick.


Close the servers down, drive W dissaperas however any changes you made will still be on the memory stick.


Note: You can create as many servers as you like you currently have a folder named test server. Create a new folder named test1 and copy all the contents from your test server into it. Run your servers from this folder change things in W check to see what happens to the content of test1, will reflect whatever you done however these will not be reflected in you original test server folder. Hence when you break test1 just delected it and use your original folder. My point; have a play and have fun if you break it just use another working copy.


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