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Small hack to re-enable scrolling


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I never liked the new manager interface which forced me to scroll the page with up/down buttons. It was slow and tedious. Now I have finally made a small change to re-enable ordinary scrolling via mousewheel.






<frameset cols="220,*" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" border="0" borderwidth="0">
<frame src="navigation.php" name="navigation" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" id="navigation" />
<frame src="start.php" name="content" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" id="content" />


has been changed to


<frameset cols="230,*" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" border="0" borderwidth="0">
<frame src="navigation.php" name="navigation" scrolling="yes" noresize="noresize" id="navigation" />
<frame src="start.php" name="content" scrolling="yes" noresize="noresize" id="content" />






comment out or remove the following


<div id="staticbuttons" style="position:absolute;">
<a href="java script:" onmouseover="myspeed=-thespeed" onmouseout="myspeed=0">
<img src="images/arrows_up.gif" alt="Scoll Up" /></a>
<a href="java script:" onmouseover="myspeed=thespeed" onmouseout="myspeed=0">
<img src="images/arrows_dn.gif" alt="Scoll Down" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scroller.js"></script>


And in




comment out or remove the following


<div id="staticbuttons" style="position:absolute;">
<a href="java script:" onmouseover="myspeed=-thespeed" onmouseout="myspeed=0">
<img src="images/arrows_up.gif" alt="Scoll Up" /></a>
<a href="java script:" onmouseover="myspeed=thespeed" onmouseout="myspeed=0">
<img src="images/arrows_dn.gif" alt="Scoll Down" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scroller.js"></script>



Hope this is useful for someone



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The post will help others thought I would add the following for completeness:


Consider changing these files:






Again remove this section from the files:-


Scroll Up

Scroll Down



All the modified pages contain this line of JavaScript it is now redundant hence delete it as well.


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scroller.js">


One final point if you do not like the link colours change them

Open this file: Uniform Server\diskw\home\admin\www\css\main.css


Locate the link tag and change it as shown to give blue links


a {





I am lazy and used a version created by pixelsoul even had the audacity to pop in on UniCenter check out the page http://center.uniformserver.com/us_33_cosm...s/apanel_1.html.




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