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Database access denied with php v7.3 on a new USZ installation


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Hi everyone, I'm new to USZ. I installed the latest version and added the module for php 7.3 as the documentation says. I specify that the /www folder has nothing inside except the files of the first installation and that the mysql password is the default one. I have no problem accessing the database with 8.3, however with 7.3 I have access denied and these errors:

mysqli::real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]

 mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client

 mysqli::real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]

 mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client.

I also tried installing 7.4 and 8.1 and everything works correctly.

Can you help me? How can I solve it?

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I've tested everything once more, and it all works perfectly well on my side.

Are you using the latest release available here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/latest/download
As for php 7.3, are you using the 7.3.33 version available here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform Server ZeroXV/ZeroXV Modules/ZeroXV_php_7_3_33.exe/download

Try to reset the mySQL password, as described here: https://doc.uniformserver.com/mysql.html#Restore default password (root)


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13 hours ago, sbourdon said:


I've tested everything once more, and it all works perfectly well on my side.

Are you using the latest release available here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/latest/download
As for php 7.3, are you using the 7.3.33 version available here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform Server ZeroXV/ZeroXV Modules/ZeroXV_php_7_3_33.exe/download

Try to reset the mySQL password, as described here: https://doc.uniformserver.com/mysql.html#Restore default password (root)


Thanks sbourdon for the reply. 

I've followed the steps you suggested more than once and I'm still having the problem with 7.3. I can't even view the MySQL Error Log as the error message appears:

Editor specified in us_user.ini cant be found.

I specify that I am on a virtual machine with Windows 11 and that I have always started USZ as administrator.

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When running PHP version 7.3.x or older, set MySQL 8 Server's default password plugin to mysql_native_password or else you will see errors.
In the "core\mysql\my.ini" file, change: authentication_policy = caching_sha2_password to: default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password

Using phpMyAdmin, isolate DB User(s) and Host(s) that were created with caching_sha2_password, and change the plugin type from caching_sha2_password to mysql_native_password:
 ALTER USER 'pma'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
 ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';

Hope this helps!

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41 minutes ago, sbourdon said:

When running PHP version 7.3.x or older, set MySQL 8 Server's default password plugin to mysql_native_password or else you will see errors.
In the "core\mysql\my.ini" file, change: authentication_policy = caching_sha2_password to: default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password

Using phpMyAdmin, isolate DB User(s) and Host(s) that were created with caching_sha2_password, and change the plugin type from caching_sha2_password to mysql_native_password:
 ALTER USER 'pma'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
 ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';

Hope this helps!

Thank you again sbourdon!!! I can access the db without errors now and I understand something new.

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