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I Am Out Of My Element But Determined


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This is my first effort with servers period and HAVE to get this running so I can edit my company sites in php with Dreamweaver. However when I click on Admin Virtual Host to set up the test sites I get the following:


Error in path to your hosts-file!


Ok, call me a dimwit, I am when it comes to this stuff but as I said, I am determined to learn so can somebody help me with this please? I bow to the experts...........


Teri Lynn :D

Teri Lynn Hinkle




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Hello Mr dimwit! Just joking every one starts at this level and remains so because we never stop learning.


This error message I think is produced because you do not have a hosts file. The hosts file is an ip-address to domain-name mapping file. It goes back to the old dark days of Armpits or something like that.


Depending on your operating system is located in the following folder:


Windows 95/98/ME



Windows NT/2000/XP Pro



Windows XP Home



If the file exists then that is not your problem if it does not exist create one by saving a blank text file named hosts


Re-run Admin Virtual Host. Now when you open the hosts file you will see entries similar to this: fred.com www.example.net test1


Where is the ip address of your local server.

Names to the right are domain names.


For info on Dreamweaver set-up this is worth a read:




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Hello Mr dimwit! Just joking every one starts at this level and remains so because we never stop learning.


This error message I think is produced because you do not have a hosts file. The hosts file is an ip-address to domain-name mapping file. It goes back to the old dark days of Armpits or something like that.


Depending on your operating system is located in the following folder:


Windows 95/98/ME



Windows NT/2000/XP Pro



Windows XP Home



If the file exists then that is not your problem if it does not exist create one by saving a blank text file named hosts


Re-run Admin Virtual Host. Now when you open the hosts file you will see entries similar to this: fred.com www.example.net test1


Where is the ip address of your local server.

Names to the right are domain names.


For info on Dreamweaver set-up this is worth a read:






:D Well that must not have been it, didn't work. File wasn't there so I created it but nothing happened. Also the server doesn't shut down unless I hit my puters restart button. Doesn't seem to matter how I shut it down, just doesn't shut down.

Thanks though.


"Ms. Dimwit"

Teri Lynn Hinkle




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My attempt at a joke clearly back fired I apologise for that Ms.

When you create a new host file the first line should be: localhost


I forgot to mention that in my last post.


You will find a more detailed description how to use Admin Virtual Host at the bottom of this page:






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My attempt at a joke clearly back fired I apologise for that Ms.

When you create a new host file the first line should be: localhost


I forgot to mention that in my last post.


You will find a more detailed description how to use Admin Virtual Host at the bottom of this page:




:D LOL np. I'll be Mr, Mrs, or Sir Dimwit if it helps me get this silly thing worked out! I will try that but I thtought you said blank text file?


Perhaps you know the answer to my other two problems...my partner and I bought our php script for our site from a gentleman in Egypt. Of course we have to change it for our needs and I am able to get at all the pages for the test server except index.php


When I try to view in browser on that one it comes up with an error unable to open with password yes?????

And when I try to shut down apache it doesn't shut down unless I hit my puters reset button. I use the Start.Vbs and it flashes a blank dos page and then the start msql box and now it goes to a web page and everything but the virtual host works but it sure doesn't want to shut down......LOL must like it here.

Again I am using windows 98SE


I am on my laptop right now but I will go add that line to the text file and try it in a few minutes........


Thanks again


Ms,Mr,Sir,Miss Dimwit :rolleyes:

Teri Lynn Hinkle




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I am not sure but what you are describing could be due to what I named the recursive loop problem.


Take a look at this page:




I am unsure because I have never run UniServer on Windows 98. The problem only occours if you use a diffrent drive letter other than the default W.

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  • 2 years later...



I had this same problem when I installed today,


I installed on a different directory to windows and I am using vista.


The fix for me was to edit file vhost.php




on line 22

// Path to hosts file
$hosts_sti = $_ENV["windir"]."/system32/drivers/etc/hosts";


I changed it to

// Path to hosts file
$hosts_sti = $_ENV["windir"]."C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts";

Also vista the file is called 'hosts' not 'hosts.txt'


Maybe this will help you?


Good Day.

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$hosts_sti = $_ENV["windir"]."C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts";


Although the above works it will cause problems use the following:


$hosts_sti = getenv('windir')."/system32/drivers/etc/hosts";


Alternatively in php.ini

Change: variables_order = "GPCS"

To: variables_order = "EGPCS"


Note: Released versions include the above change.


Note: Main components no longer support windows 98SE XP-Home is minimum requirement.


All the best

Ric :)

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