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Has anyone played around with Graphviz and PHP on Uniserver?


I would like to ask anyone who has installed Graphviz on Uniserver if they would be kind enough to post some step by step instructions along with a sample script that I could use to test it?


Best regards


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  • 2 weeks later...

... and that "one in a thousand" can afford to get a Linux server, where you can install Graphviz with only one command (at least on my distro :D)


The same applies with ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick, isn't the PHP GD extension (which is very easy to install) enough for most people?

Edited by MrX
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  • 7 months later...

>>I would like to ask anyone who has installed Graphviz on Uniserver if they would be kind enough to post

>> some step by step instructions along with a sample script that I could use to test it?

Not quite the answer to the question BUT....


I managed to get Graphviz running under MediaWiki on Uniform Server by following the instructions from the link below - should be possible to adapt this for other non-Wiki uses, the graphviz.php from the instructions is fairly easy to understand.




I only had to change one thing: For some reason, Uniform Server didn't like the space character in the pathname "Program Files" (maybe I did something wrong...).

I just copied the graphviz directory (including the "bin" subdirectory) to c:\Graphviz and adjusted the path names in the instructions accordingly, and it worked fine.


Graphviz + Mediawiki is a very powerful combo, and it's really nice to be able to run it locally under Windows with Uniform Server.

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