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Uniform Server won't start


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I have installed my Uniform Server on my Windows XP Pro. The first time I installed it to use with Joomla, it worked great. Everything to perfection.


I have started to develop the site with joomla and SUDENLY, out of nowhere I CANNOT start the Uniform Server anylonger.


I click on the Disk Start.vbs, it prompts me to the drive to start, I select the default W and when I look at the drive in the Windows Explorer, it does NOT start the drive. I just creates an icon with a red interrogation mark and does not start anything on the W drive.


It opens the W:\home\admin\www\redirect.html and says that cannot find the page. Of course it will not, since it did not start the w drive.


Any clues? I tried everything... looked at all the posts, but could not find what to do. Any help will be very well appreciated.





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I have done a further analisys on this... I executed step by step of the server_start.bat file. Everything worked fine until it executed this comand line:


W:\usr\local\php>start w:\home\admin\program\uniserv.exe "w:\usr\local\apache2\bin\Apache.exe -f \usr\local\apache2\conf\httpd.conf -d \usr\local\apache2\." "w:\home\admin\program\close.bat w"


I presume it is starting the uniserv.exe with Apache. After this line the W drive desapear and it won't work anylonger.


NOTE: I don't even have IIS installed on my computer.


Any help I can get is appreciated.





Edited by augustop
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Is Skype running on your PC or anything blocking port 80?


That line is to start Apache itself.


I have stoped Skype, MSN and everything possible. If I start Appache in the Appache server monitor, it starts fine.


This ONLY starts Appache? If I start with the Server Monitor, will it have any problem?

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I have stoped Skype, MSN and everything possible. If I start Appache in the Appache server monitor, it starts fine.


This ONLY starts Appache? If I start with the Server Monitor, will it have any problem?


Well, I downloaded the following application: Active Ports. It found the beast that was using PORT 80. Indeed, I had Skype running w/o knowing that it was running. Killed the process and it all worked fine.


Thanks for the help.

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Is Skype running on your PC or anything blocking port 80?


That line is to start Apache itself.

I've spent the last 3 hours rebooting the machine, reinstalling uniform server, testing, retesting when I logged onto the forum and found this!


I recently started using skype and it happened to be running when I was trying to start uniform server! Arggh!


Many thanks


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