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Transfer uniform server site to live site


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Hi everyone,

I have a joomla site created locally using unformserver, how do I transfer this to a live site?


Would I need to install joomla on the live site first?


Does anyone have a tutorial on how to do this?


As simple as possible please, I'm a newbie to webdesign, php, mysql,joomla,etc the list goes on. :(


many thanks in advance.




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I assume you are not using US as your live server and that you are using a service provider.


You will need to install Joomla first allowing it to pick up various system parameters during set-up. Create a few test pages to make sure it works.


I would reverse the question can you now transfer from a live server to US. The reason for this is to highlight incompatibility problems. The first that springs to mind is MySQL.


I am not conversant with Joomla but the next problem is where are the set-up system parameters stored (table or file) if these are over written when transferring from one system to another them you will have problems.


Take a look at the Joomla manual installation process may give you some pointers.


Hope this points you in the right direction.

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I could not resist the temptation of taking a more detailed look at Joomla I downloaded and installed it. It is a CMS designed to ease site construction administered remotely.


Had no problems installing it on US 3.3 a quick check confirms it sets up a configuration file configuration.php (it does not use a table in the MySQL database). Within Joomla, changing site global configurations will overwrite settings in this file if you make changes locally you must change the settings in the remote configuration file. (You cannot just upload the file because you will loose the remote system setting).


When transferring a site you need to keep track of what changes are made it is not just a matter of uploading the database but also any folders and whatever other material changes external to the database. Take a simple example adding a new image folder and images.


Within Joomla create the new folder and upload (locally) the images. Joomla creates references in its database. When you transfer your site, upload the database then create the image folder and upload the images into it (make sure the folder has the correct CHMOD values set).


It would be wise to download the configuration file from your remote site and save it. Just saves time if you ever accidentally overwrite it just a matter of uploading to get your site working.


I see no major problems in doing what you want give it a few dry runs until you get a methodology that works you.


In theory you can upload the database and all the Joomla files (including your new ones) finally upload your saved remote configuration file. It will work however the pain will come when you need to change the CHMOD values on certain files in addition when your site expands the size will make the upload time impossible. Hence track the changes a just upload these.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone,

I have a joomla site created locally using unformserver, how do I transfer this to a live site?


Would I need to install joomla on the live site first?


Does anyone have a tutorial on how to do this?


As simple as possible please, I'm a newbie to webdesign, php, mysql,joomla,etc the list goes on. :P


many thanks in advance.



Did you ever do the transfer? If so, how did you do it and how did it work out?

I have to do the same thing.

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