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Need Help please?


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I'm installing Uniform Server on my XP pc for local use in installing, setting up and later uploading oscommerce to my live server at godaddy. I certainly hope I'm on the right track.


I've gotten as far as installing Uniform server already and the first instruction I see is this:


* Change the username:password for the Admin Panel by editing '/htaccess/home/admin/www/.htpasswd'

* Change the username:password for the server (if private) by editing '/htaccess/www/.htpasswd'

* Change the root password for mysql by editing '/home/admin/www/mysql_password'



Where do I go to do that???


Can anyone post step by step instructions, with any advice, tips etc? I would be most grateful!





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A) and :( htaccess should read htpasswd the paths are:


W:/htpasswd /home/admin/www/htpasswd

W:/htpasswd /www/htpasswd


C) MySQL is a two-part process:


1) From apanel click on Run Msql (starts the server)

2) From apanel click on phpMyAdmin

3) In phpMyAdmin click on Privileges (third link from bottom)

4) To the right of user root click on Edit Privileges

5) Scroll down the page to Change Password

6) Click the radio button to the left of Password

6) In the password window ener your new password

7) Below this Re-type your new password

8) Click on Go (That completes the first step)


Using windows explorer navigate to the file named mysql_password


Full path shown below:


??/Uni Server/diskw/ home/admin/www/mysql_password


OR from drive W:




Edit this file in a text editor delete the old password and add your new one.

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