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I have the unitray plugin installed. It works fine for most things, but I cannot get it to start mySQL. The option is grayed out in the menu. I am using a dell inspiron 1000 running windows XP SP 2, with McAfee (thought I don't think this is a firewall or antivirus issue). I have tried rebooting the server, unitray, and my computer.

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That is not the problem. :angry: The answer is that there is no problem. The function you are trying to use is only for use with the services plugin. If you have the Uniform Server running on the services plugin, then you can use that. :( Sorry, but as i said, the plugin is not fully complete and some things might not work if the required plugins are not installed.


You can simply start the server and from there log on to the admin panel to start mysql. I will try and add the function to start mysql without the services plguin into the UniTray plugin.


Thanks and sorry for the confussion...


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Nope The Services Plugin is included with the Uniform Server. The part of the UniTray plugin you are trying to use is for the Sevices Plugin only. To start the server you can use the Start Server funtion on the main menu.


The UniTray is also finished but just needs more functions which i am trying to add, and the services plugin can be found in your installation of the Uniform Server.

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Please note that i do not recommend you use the services plugin just because you want to use the UniTray start and stop functions for it. Currently i will try and add start and stop MySQL to the functions under the start and stop server, but if you are still intrested, the services plugin should be under the "doc" directory.


Please make sure that you know what you are doing when you do this.



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ok. Thanks. I'm going to try this on a second copy of the server so I don't kill my original one. If it doesn't work perfectly, I can wait for the next version.

EDIT: Nevermind. I realized that I might mess up windows, not uniserver. I'll just wait for the next version. I can't risk messing up my computer.

Edited by elyk
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The services plugin will not mess up windows. all you have to do if you install it is uninstall it and it will removed the services created. It does not mess with anything that deals with your computer, only adds and deletes the apache/mysql services :(


Next version should be out by mid-april.

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Yeah, you it automatically start the server when a user logs on. I do not recommend it if you are not using the server as a production server.

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