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Updating PHP 8.0.x / 7.4.x / 7.3.x: step by step guide


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In order to update PHP 8.0.x to the latest version available, simply follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract PHP 8.0 (8.0.x) VS16 x86 Thread Safe from this link: https://windows.php.net/download/
  2. rename folder «php-8.0.x-Win32-vs16-x86\ext\» to «php-8.0.x-Win32-vs16-x86\extensions\»
  3. copy «UniServerZ\core\php80\php_development.ini», «UniServerZ\core\php80\php_production.ini», «UniServerZ\core\php80\php_test.ini» and «UniServerZ\core\php80\php-cli.ini» to «php-8.0.x-Win32-vs16-x86\»
  4. stop Apache (from UniController or Windows Services ["us_apache_1"])
  5. delete (or backup) the files in the «UniServerZ\core\php80\» folder and replace them with the ones from «php-8.0.x-Win32-vs16-x86\»
  6. restart Apache (from UniController or Windows Services ["us_apache_1"])

In order to update PHP 7.4.x to the latest version available, simply follow these steps:

  1. If not already done, download and install «ZeroXIV_php_7_4_16_k.exe» from this link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform Server ZeroXIV/ZeroXIV Modules/
  2. Download and extract PHP 7.4 (7.4.x) VC15 x86 Thread Safe from this link: https://windows.php.net/download/
  3. rename folder «php-7.4.x-Win32-vc15-x86\ext\» to «php-7.4.x-Win32-vc15-x86\extensions\»
  4. copy «UniServerZ\core\php74\php_development.ini», «UniServerZ\core\php74\php_production.ini», «UniServerZ\core\php74\php_test.ini» and «UniServerZ\core\php74\php-cli.ini» to «php-7.4.x-Win32-vc15-x86\»
  5. stop Apache (from UniController or Windows Services ["us_apache_1"])
  6. delete (or backup) the files in the «UniServerZ\core\php74\» folder and replace them with the ones from «php-7.4.x-Win32-vc15-x86\»
  7. restart Apache (from UniController or Windows Services ["us_apache_1"])

In order to update PHP 7.3.x to the latest version available, simply follow these steps:

  1. If not already done, download and install «ZeroXIV_php_7_3_27_j.exe» from this link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform Server ZeroXIV/ZeroXIV Modules/
  2. Download and extract PHP 7.3 (7.3.x) VC15 x86 Thread Safe from this link: https://windows.php.net/download/
  3. rename folder «php-7.3.x-Win32-VC15-x86\ext\» to «php-7.3.x-Win32-VC15-x86\extensions\»
  4. copy «UniServerZ\core\php73\php_development.ini», «UniServerZ\core\php73\php_production.ini», «UniServerZ\core\php73\php_test.ini» and «UniServerZ\core\php73\php-cli.ini» to «php-7.3.x-Win32-VC15-x86\»
  5. stop Apache (from UniController or Windows Services ["us_apache_1"])
  6. delete (or backup) the files in the «UniServerZ\core\php73\» folder and replace them with the ones from «php-7.3.x-Win32-VC15-x86\»
  7. restart Apache (from UniController or Windows Services ["us_apache_1"])

Hope this helps! :)

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