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FTP Outside Access


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I can't get this to work. :(


Could someone please walk me through it.


I know, my problems with outside access are making me look like I don't know a thing about any of this, but, it's true...I'm a web programmer, not a server person...:(


Thank you in advance for your help.


Oh, I feel stupid, I almost forgot to mention that I have the UniTray and the Quick 'n Easy FTP Server plugins. I hope the UniTray isn't in anyway conflicting with it.

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Well, just like you need to have port 80 routed thru to your pc for uniserver to work from the outside, so do you need to route port 21 thru for FTP (if your FTP is using port 21, that is). No difference in procedure - however you opened port 80, do the same for your ftp port.

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OK, didn't mean to confuse. But didn't you route port 81 thru to your server to have it work from the outside at some point?


There's a different procedure for each and every router make and model out there, so I can't tell you what to click, not even if I knew who your ISP is, what their policies are and what equipment you use. These things you ned to find out first (well I don't care about the ISP's name, but their policies are very important if they block stuff in their network).


Usually you connect to the router via a web interface or Telnet, see the routers manual for details on how to let a service/port pass thru. It's usually done by defining port to forward and IP to forward it to. You get your pc's local IP number by going to a DOS prompt and running "ipconfig".

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And port forward that port number, yes. If your FTP uses port 8884, forward that one. 21 is just what is default for FTP servics, like the webserver it can be on any port - it just makes it harder to find (which, IMHO, is a good thing for an FTP :( ).

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Sure does.


Please edit that post again ASAP; if this is write access to FTP, someone could hack your system very very quickly by uploading a script (if this is in the webroot at all).


[edit] I removed the addres. But it certainly works -

File: addClan.php 1 KB 10-01-2006 14:11:00

File: addTourneystaff.php 2 KB 10-01-2006 14:11:00

File: add_Clan.php 3 KB 10-01-2006 14:11:00

File: add_Tourneystaff.php 2 KB 10-01-2006 14:11:00

File: allmedals.php 1 KB 10-01-2006 14:11:00

- need I say more... :(

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No, that account is pointed FAR from the webroot, and it was a temp account to test it. ^^


Thank you very much for your help, and I just hope it'll still work with my router, when I get home...in a few days...




lol, that is so funny! :(

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lol, They can put stuff in there, it is just a dummy server, for now, and I have back-ups everywhere, so, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. :(


Thanks again for the help. ^^

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Maybe no, I might yet have a problem. ^^'


It all depends on if it will run with port forwarding on my router, and if it'll run after the web server actually starts and stays started. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as soon as I fix this issue with it opening an then closing, I'll try it. ^^





Well, I fixed the server issue, and now that I'm back behind a router, I'm having issues. :(


My guess is that it is just me having screwed up on the port forwarding, so, I screenshot the Router Admin and the FTP Admin pages.


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FTP port is port 21, please change it back. You didn't need to change it at all. After that, make sure it is set as an exception in the Windows Firewall and your own firewall if you have any.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pardon my language, but that would seriously suck.




I just contacted my ISP, and they block port 80, and all ports related to FTP in anyway...DAMN THEM! Because of this, I have attempt using a port that I see no reason for them to block, 90, and it still isn't working. :)

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