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Webserver not sending some files


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Ok, I have a strange problem. I have a flash based website that I copied to the server folder. That page seems to work fine. However, now that I have uploaded new .swf files my webpage will not serve these new swf files!


If it type them in directly in the url I get an error saying page can not be displayed after some delay, just sits there doing nothing, or I get some error showing the server name ect... Its not real consistant.. :)


However if I type in a url to my first flash file it loads with no problem :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, it did not work for a day :)


The page will only load on my computer.


Is there ANY settings that might keep uniform server/apache from sending a swf file?


Any help would be great. I just do not know what else to do... :D




wtf? :(

Now it is working...  For now... I have no idea why.. Perhaps it was the htaccess file?  I had the old ht access file from another version of of uniform server...


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