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php53 doesn't switch, installed module doesn't show


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Uniserver Zero XIV 14.0.3 comes with PHP8. Greyed out are different PHP7 versions, but I can't activate them.
Installed PHP 7.4 module - worked.
Means, Uniserver14 doesn't come with different versions preinstalled.

But my problem:

Also, I tried to install an old version, PHP5 from this site, installed it, a folder core/php53 was created - but doesn't appear in the list of selectable PHP versions.

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UniformServer is Modular, which means although the base version comes along with the latest modules, you can customise and add in additional modules as well.

For e.g, to get PHP7 versions you can download and install the the modules from 

https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform Server ZeroXIV/ZeroXIV Modules/

Just download the ones you want, and unzip (self extractable archive) then into the install folder. Re-run UniformServer and you should see the modules activated.



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5 hours ago, sudeepjd said:

although the base version comes along with the latest modules

Mine came only withg PHP8 installed. 

As I said, I successfully installed PHP7.4

But my problem:

PHP5 doesn't install. I need PHP5.3.

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PHP 5.3 is old and is no longer supported by Uniform Server. If you would like to use older versions of PHP you can use older versions of UniformServer.

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