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ok pixel "i love u" i fugured it out. Arn't u glad :) well most of it anyway the only thing is i do not no how to accsess my actuall admin account with the .htaccess file in it. so if u could help me the rest of the way thats great. im gonna comtinue tinkering around with it. oh and yea i wanna keep the admin password protected so i dont think deleting this file is the answer.


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In the admin its the same:




Open .htacces.. allow from all hosts instead of Then make sure you uncoment the password settings and change them...


To forward your port go in the admin of the router and set port 80 to your internal ip adress...


Also you might want to consider installing the service as a server.. so it will be on when you reboot :)

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yea :) i didnt get anywhere really, but i followed ur instuctions, well i think so. this is in my "/diskw/home/admin/www/.htaccess"


# This file provides security to the server limiting access to the localhost only.

# Comment to deactivate.


# Order Deny,Allow

# Deny from all

# Allow from all hosts


# To disallow execution of cgi scripts in this directory comment next two lines.


AddHandler cgi-script .bat .exe .pl .cgi

Options +ExecCGI


# To unlock Admin Panel, comment the next 4 lines.

# Defaults: Username - admin; Password - userver


AuthName "Uniform Server - Admin Panel 1.0 Alpha"

AuthType Basic

AuthUserFile /htpasswd/home/admin/www/.htpasswd

Require valid-user


Is that all go to go?and if so i still dont know the password that it needs to login, ive tried "admin:userver" cause thats what it says is default, so yea.


i really appriciate all the help soul :P


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bi golly gee... well i know the password cause i remembered it from the other .htaccess or password files so thats done no im gonna check if i can connect form another comp in my house and if that works i forwarded my port so im gonna try from my friends house of school :) .


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Ok.. the main .htaccess file should have this in it:


# This file provides security to the server limiting access to the localhost only.
# Comment to deactivate.

# Order Deny,Allow
# Deny from all
# Allow from all hosts

# To disallow execution of cgi scripts in this directory comment next two lines.

AddHandler cgi-script .bat .exe .pl .cgi
Options +ExecCGI

# To unlock Admin Panel, comment the next 4 lines.
# Defaults: Username - admin; Password - userver

#AuthName "Uniform Server - Admin Panel 1.0 Alpha"
#AuthType Basic
#AuthUserFile /htpasswd/home/admin/www/.htpasswd
#Require valid-user


About the Admin part, it is best you leave it the way it is. Opening it opens your server's admin interface to the public and with that, it can be hacked.

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