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Apache can not start using Php_7_4_16


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Hello, I am using Uniform Server ZeroXIV 14.0.3. When I try start apache whith PHP v8.0.3 the server works, but I download plugin Php_7_4_16 and i install it as allways and when tray to start apache it says "apache failed to start"



apache failed.jpg

apache failed 2.jpg

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Thanks for pointing it out. I have uploaded a PHP 7.4.16_k to fix this problem.

For an easy fix. Open the core\apache2\conf\extra_us\php74.conf folder and change the 65 to 66 on the following lines.

  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icudt65.dll
  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icuin65.dll
  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icuio65.dll
  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icuuc65.dll


  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icudt66.dll
  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icuin66.dll
  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icuio66.dll
  LoadFile ${US_ROOTF}/core/php74/icuuc66.dll

Restart Apache and it should now work.

Best Regards,


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