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installing ignite fusion on universal server


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I'd like to try and get coldfusion going on universal server in the form of IgniteFusion ( http://www.ignitefusion.com/ )


I am really just someone who juse writes cf code, not a server admin at all, here is what I did, but it is not working and if someone could give me some suggestions I would love it :)


in diskw\usr\local I made a folder (coldfusion) like so diskw\usr\local\coldfusion\


in the coldfusion folder I put the ignitedb.exe


in the httpd.conf I added


AddType application/x-httpd-ignitedb .ign

AddType application/x-httpd-ignitedb .cfm


so it now looks like:


Options Indexes Includes

AllowOverride All


AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php3 .php

AddType Application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

AddType application/x-httpd-ignitedb .ign

AddType application/x-httpd-ignitedb .cfm


I then tried to add ignite fusion as a cgi module


ScriptAlias "/__cfm_dir__/" "/usr/local/coldfusion/"

Action application/x-httpd-ignitedb "/__cfm_dir__/igintedb.exe"


when I save the file and restarted the server and went to sample.cfm which was in the www (diskw\www\) nothing, and when I started the ignitedb.exe by clicking on it and tried again - still nothing - by that I mean a The page cannot be found - not even a page showing the unprocessed code even tho the file is really there. when I rename sample.cfm to sample.html, the server finds it, but when it is sample.cfm, it cannot be found.


That's all the info I have at the moment - any advice you might send my way would be appreciated. thanks, megan

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sittingrage over at the ignitefusion.com forums gave me the answer


here is what to do to get if/cfml running on Uniform Server


made "if" folder in user/local/

( "/usr/local/if/ )


put ignitedb.exe inside /if/


then modified the httpd.conf like so:


#ignite stuff ----START ---


#create virtual directory to point to the directory where IgniteDB.exe exists

ScriptAlias /if/ "/usr/local/if/"


#Add extensions associations

AddType application/x-httpd-ignitedb .ign .cfm .cfml


#Tie extensions to executable

Action application/x-httpd-ignitedb "/if/ignitedb.exe"


#ignite stuff ---- END ---


worked like a charm :)


regards, megan

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Can you a brief tutorial about it in our wiki for other users? Post it here: http://wiki.uniformserver.com/Installing_IgniteFusion




Take a look at this example for help: http://wiki.uniformserver.com/Installing_ionCube

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