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The Uniform Server Community

Uniform Server 14.0.1-ZeroXIV


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The Uniform Server team is glad to announce a minor update to Uniform Server Zero XIV.

This version of UniformServer Zero XIV v14.0.1 can be found ON SourceForge at https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/

The UniformServer is now open source, the Controller Code is now published on github at https://github.com/iamola/uniserver


The following modules that have been updated:


  • Unicontroller v2.3.1 - The Uniform Server Controller added support for PHP 7.4 and removed the need for the MySQLHide
  • Apache v2.4.41 from Apache v2.4.39 


  • Added PHP v7.4.0
  • PHP v7.3.11 from PHP v7.3.9 
  • PHP v7.2.25 from PHP v7.2.22
  • PHP v7.1.33 from PHP v7.1.32


  • MySQL 8.0.18-community from MySQL 8.0.17-community
  • MySQL 5.7.28-community from MySQL 5.7.27-community
  • MariaDB 10.4.10 from MariaDB 10.4.8
  • MariaDB 5.5.66 from MariaDB 5.5.65

Database Administration

  • phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 from phpMyAdmin
  • Adminer 4.7.5 from Adminer 4.7.2

The latest modules of Uniform Server are at https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform Server ZeroXIV/ZeroXIV Modules/


Help Needed

I would like to request for the following help from the community.

  • If you find any bugs, please feel free to either post on the forum or raise an issue on github so we can track and fix them.
  • If you can fix the bug, please fork the github repo and issue a pull request.
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