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The Uniform Server Community

Help Needed.


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Hello Everyone, we are looking for help with the team, Ric previously handled things while i went back to school and now in my Masters program but i have not being able to reach him lately; hopefully all is well with him and his family.


Please if you have time or think you might be able to help, we could use the help. Even around the forums for those who want to help with just support. Redesign of the main website or anywhere you think your skills could be needed.


The main area would be the controller, likely a redesign or re-engineering. We do not have the old code as it sat only on Ric's machine, so all hope is lost on that end unless we hear back from Ric, therefore, whoever sign up would have to be good enough to write the controller from scratch, even if its little by little.


If you are interested in helping, please feel free to send me a private message.


Thank You


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