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US CRON enabled but doesn't run.


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I'm running UniServer Zero XIII 13.3.2 to run Apache/PHP/MySQL in a Windows Server environment.

I've set up the Cron facility under the Extra menu:

- Enable/Disable run Cron: Run Cron = CHECKED

- Enable/Disable Cron logging: Cron logging = CHECKED


Config File:

start  = 2017-09-12 1:00:00
period = hourly
path   = http://xxx.yyy/moodle/admin/cron.php?password=xxxyyyzzz
ref    = 1508327224

When I go into Cron and close the box again, the Cron service runs as a *one off* (assuming it was last run over an hour ago) but it does not run hourly from there on e.g.

Here is the log file. The timestamps on the "Run OK" entries are when I actually went into the Extra > Cron menu then closed it again.

13/09/2017 12:21:08 ### Log Start ===========================================
13/09/2017 12:29:13  - Run OK --- http://localhost/moodle/admin/cron.php
13/09/2017 13:41:20  - Run OK --- http://localhost/moodle/admin/cron.php
17/10/2017 13:09:49  - Run OK --- http://localhost/moodle/admin/cron.php
18/10/2017 10:48:12  - Run OK --- http://derbylearn.net/moodle/admin/cron.php?password=VC0SJFZj6vefzXmo3

Can anyone explain why my cron isn't running every hour?

I'm running my webstack as a service (i.e. via Unifrom Server XIII Service).




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