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Uniform Server 13.0.0-ZeroXIII


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Uniform Server 13.0.0-ZeroXIII Released:

Welcome to the new Uniform Server 13 series, which is offered in two package formats.

A pre-configured version of Uniform Server ZeroXIII contains pre-installed modules producing a standard WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) server package. After extracting, servers are ready to run either from a USB memory stick or PC. Apart from changing the MySQL password (optional) there is no configuration required.

The pre-configured version of Uniform Server ZeroXIII should suite most users! A second package option is to assemble a bespoke server from modules provided. You can create a varied range of servers from a standalone Apache or MySQL portable server.

The ZeroXII_palemoon_26_3_3.exe module provides full portability. This uses the Pale Moon portable browser, which is an optimised Firefox browser for running on USB memory sticks.

The following lists Uniform Server 13 features and available modules.

Main Features:
Easy update: Download latest module and replace old version.
PHP switching: - Switch between PHP series PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5 and PHP 7
MySQL options: - Install either MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 series or MariaDB alternative.
MariaDB options: - Alternative to MySQL MariaDB install 5.5 or 10.0 series.
MySQL admin options: Install and/or Adminer and/or phpMyAdmin.
MySQL backup option: Install phpMyBackupPro or Sypex Dumper.
Perl option: Install Strawberry Perl or ActivePerl.

Other features:
Full documentation.
Windows host file editor.
Default, PAC file used for resolving domains.
Configurable clean-up – Remove unwanted files e.g. Server log files.
DtDNS – Automatic updater, updates domains on DtDNS server.
PC Start-up enable/disable running of servers.
Cron - Configurable timer to run applications or scripts.
Pale Moon portable browser - Pre-configured for PAC file use, allows full portability.

Uniform Server 13.0.0-ZeroXIII release contains following modules:

Apache http 2.4.23 - ZeroXIII_apache_2_4_18_h.exe
UniController 2.2.0 - ZeroXIII_controller_2_2_0.exe
UniManual 1.0.0 - ZeroXIII_documentation_1_0_0.exe
MySQL 5.6.31 - ZeroXIII_mysql_5_6_31.exe
PHP 7.0.8 - ZeroXIII_php_7_0_8_h.exe
phpMyAdmin 4.6.3 - ZeroXIII_phpmyadmin_4_6_3.exe

Available modules (Plugins):

Adminer 4.2.2 - ZeroXIII_adminer_4_2_2.exe
Filezilla server 0.9.46 - ZeroXIII_filezilla_server_0_9_46.exe
MariaDB 5.5.50 - ZeroXIII_mariadb_5_5_50.exe
MariaDB 10.0.26 - ZeroXIII_mariadb_10_0_26.exe
MySQL 5.5.50 - ZeroXIII_mysql_5_5_50.exe
MySQL 5.6.31 - ZeroXIII_mysql_5_6_31.exe
MySQL AutoBack 1.0.0 - ZeroXIII_mysql_autoback_1_0_0.exe

Pale Moon Portable 26.3.3 - ZeroXII_palemoon_26_3_3.exe
Pear 1.0.2 - ZeroXII_pear_1_0_2.exe

PHP 5.3.29 - ZeroXII_php_5_3_29_h.exe
PHP 5.4.45 - ZeroXII_php_5_4_45_h.exe
PHP 5.5.37 - ZeroXII_php_5_5_37_h.exe
PHP 5.6.23 - ZeroXII_php_5_6_23_h.exe
PHP 7.0.8 - ZeroXII_php_7_0_8_h.exe
PHP 7.1.0 Beat 1 - ZeroXIII_php_7_1_0_h_b1.exe

phpMyAdmin - ZeroXII_phpmyadmin_4_4_15_7.exe
phpMyAdmin 4.6.3 - ZeroXII_phpmyadmin_4_6_3.exe
phpMyBackUpPro 2.5 - ZeroXII_phpmybackuppro_2_5.exe

Strawberry Perl - ZeroXII_strawberry_perl_5_22_1_1.exe
Sypex Dumper 2.0.11 - ZeroXII_sypex_dumper_2_0_11.exe
UniService 2.2.0 - ZeroXII_uniservice_2_2_0.exe

Uniform Server 13.0.0-ZeroXIII

Uniform Server ZeroXIII modules

Online ZeroXIII documentation ZeroXIII_documentation_1_0_0

The Uniform Server Development Team

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