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\www folder read only with Winows 10


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I'm developing some PHP scripts. I installed UniformZ on a portable USB HD so I can carry it from work to home and viceversa.


I noticed that at home (Windows 10) I have to launch Uniform as administrator to make it work). The weird thing is that the files inside the \www folder must be opened with the Administrator priviledges too.


Not only I need to run Uniform.EXE as administrator but every PHP file has to be loaded in Notepad++ as administrator. Although I don't understand why I have to run these as administrator, at least it works.


The fact is that I'm working with Excel files and these have to be opened as Administrator too or better, I have to run Excel as administrator and then open the XLS file from Excel (because there is no "Run as administrator" item in the right-click menu when clicking on a XLS file).


Nothing of the above happens on my Windows 7 work PC.


How can I avoid the use of the administrator proviledges?


Thank you.

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