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Any interest in a XP version of ZeroXII


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Its a shame, but XP remains alive!

I have had several requests for a version of Uniform Server that runs on XP.

I am reluctant to recommend previous versions of Uniform Server because things move on, for example removal of known or potential security issues.

That said it is possible to use components from the current more secure ZeroXII series with the following maximum specification:

Apache 2.4.18 – Downgrade to VC9

MySQL 5.5.48 or MariaDB 5.5.48

PHP 5.4.45


No PHP switching.

Note: Modules from ZeroXII can be used with the above restrictions.

If anyone is interested please provide a comment bellow:

All the best


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OH YES PLEASE... :wub:

Running Uniform Server ZeroXII_1_0 on my notebook - HP Elitbook 8440P - Windows 7.


What if you could use one of the old XP I have. It is with 3 GHz dual processor and 8 GB of RAM. HD 200 GB (I think..)
Do not have money to buy Windows Server (unknown version), Windows 10 it's a wiretap program.
Of course you could run the Unix / Linux. Has training in it, in 1986 and never used the knowledge. *LOL*

That memory bank for Linux/Unix is no longer working. Out of order. Do not know how to replace it.

Remember GREP and in Swedish it's a pitchfork. Hmmm. Sorry - got off the subject.

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