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Unable to start uniserver 11.7.8 Zero XI


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I'm running a laptop with Windows 7 64 bit. After downloading the self extracting archive and confirming that the file was correct using the md5 hash, I was able to extract the 'UniServerZ' folder to 'C:\UniServerZ'.


Now, after extracting when I start 'UniController.exe' it shows me an error saying port 80 is is use (IIS) and I click ok. Nothing happens after this at all, not even in 1 hour! The process never dies but there is not prompt for the mysql password nor is there any system tray icon.


Appreciate the help!




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As you mention IIS, the World Wide Web Publishing Service is more than likely the culprit. This is one way to get to where you can remedy the situation:


Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > scroll to the bottom and right click on World Wide Web Publishing Service > select Properties


- click Stop

- in Startup type: select Manual

- click Apply and then OK




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