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Problems in 3.3


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This is fantastic work!


However - I did bump into a few problems when running it.


First - I have eagerly awaited this release since it advertised win98 compatibility. Unfortunately no luck. I get an error declaring it can't find redirect.html. The W:\ disk is created but the server is not running. Disabling the firewall does not help.

I get the following (translated) message:


The server is working on the disk w:\ [http/]

Out of environment space.

Can't find the file \redirect.html (or one of its components). Check that you entered the correct path and filename and that all necessary DLL-files is available.


Second - I then ran the server on another machine with winXP. The server started up allright, but the redirect to /apanel/ didn't work and a page not available message was displayed. I then tried the old /a/ instead and that did the trick. The url looked slightly odd though since it sported double slashes after apanel - http://localhost/apanel//. I then killed the server and started it again and this time everything worked. A temporary snag or something wrong with the configuration?


Third - I couldn't get phpMyAdmin to work. The error message said it couldn't find the localized lang file needed for an include. The program automatically tried to start the program localized but when it couldn't find the langfiles it displayed the error message. This was easilly corrected by downloading phpMyAdmin and adding the missing lang files to the lang directory. Since this happens automatically and every lang file except the english ones are missing, this will be a problem for every user on a non-english computer. Not so great. Admitted, the problem lies with phpMyAdmin, but maybe you should disable this "feature" if you want to save space and not include the other lang files.


Fourth - This is not an error but an observation. I like the new admin panel very much, but I find the scroll system is getting in the way. It looks cool but makes it harder to scroll the screen and to see how long a page is. For example, getting to the bottom of the phpinfo() page is a real pain. Consider changing this, please.





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Thanks, will get to work on the problems for 3.4. Had to rush release this one and everything was in a hurry cause i had to UPX every dll and exe in the package.


This is a messy release... and even after that i didn't get much sleep after going to bed at 6:00AM in the morning... had to wake up 4hrs later :D sucks....

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umm... thats not a bug. Uniform Server 3.2a uses MySQL 4 and 3.3 has MySQL 5 so you might havee to change a few things in your class/update it because of that....


The slow problem Pont has is because he had the UPXed version which has to decompress the exe and dll files first before use, but i still dont get the problem with the /apanel/ and how /a/ worked when it has been deleted? Might be another installation? Pont, do you use /apanel/ now or you are still using /a/?


Problems we have to fix for the next version:


1. Scroller

2. phpMyAdmin Language(s) Clash

3. "Out of environment space" error on Win98

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I would help you out and make you a downgraded custom version, but i am too busy... please submit the MySQL 4 Downgrade Plugin to our SourceForge Feature Request System so we can remember...


Thanks :D

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The slow problem Pont has is because he had the UPXed version which has to decompress the exe and dll files first before use, but i still dont get the problem with the /apanel/ and how /a/ worked when it has been deleted? Might be another installation? Pont, do you use /apanel/ now or you are still using /a/?

Um, no, I was not using the UPXed version. I used the UniServer3_3_NO_UPX.zip file. And slowness was not the problem.


Back to your question - I don't use the /a/ redirect. I just start the server and everything works like a charm with automatic /apanel/ redirection. However, I can still use /a/ and if I do I get the /apanel// url with double slashes. If I use /a it works correctly and if I use /apanel the redirect doesn't work at all.


I then browsed the httpd.conf file since this felt like a configuration error. I'm not very familiar with server configuration, but I found two places where the settings seemed a little odd. I changed

Alias /apanel/ "/home/admin/www/"

Redirect permanent /a http://localhost/apanel/



Alias /apanel "/home/admin/www/"

Redirect permanent /a http://localhost/apanel

And now it seems to work perfectly. /a, /a/ and /apanel all redirects to /apanel/ and no double slashes present. I haven't got a clue if this is the right way to do it, but perhaps it can help.

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hmm.. about the /apanel problem, that will also be changed.. as you can see it is an alias and a redirection for /a


About the "Out of environmental space".. problem, we might have to write a new start and stop system.... but we are still looking into it to see if it can be fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

olajideolaolorun, there is an easy fix for this problem.....since windows 98/me cannot allocate more memory to store the enviroment variables (default is 160 bytes), we must force the the batch to use more memory.


Although Pont's solution does work in a way, my way allows the uniserver to be more of a no-install and it's more safer.


*Note - you can't do this on a XP machine, since the error doesn't occur here and xp automatically allocates correct amt of memory


Firstly create a shortcut of the server_start.bat.

Rightclick the shortcut and click on properties.

Click the memory tab

in the Initial Environment combobox, choose 4096 bytes.

Run the shortcut and you should have a working uniserver <_<


Another solution is to write a win32 app which executes these commands, but the solution above is much easier.



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Yeah, i also thing its much better... We made something liike that before but it uses more space and we are trying to reduce space now and not increase it... Next version might have things a little different..

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks, will get to work on the problems for 3.4. Had to rush release this one and everything was in a hurry cause i had to UPX every dll and exe in the package.


This is a messy release... and even after that i didn't get much sleep after going to bed at 6:00AM in the morning... had to wake up 4hrs later :rolleyes: sucks....


When do you think 3.4 is up??

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Not long now... release date is June 1, however it maybe a few days late. MAYBE...

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I don't use Skype.


But when I open localhost it load and load, and when i open it load the content, but not the menu.

If I open a folder (localhost/test/ f.ex.) it take 1000 years to load (min. 10 min.).


For a month ago Uniform Server worked fine and the only programs i have installed since is:

SimPE (For The Sims 2)

Nvidia Driver



an old game (Sonic Heroes)


I don't think that some of these programs block.


I have tried to use UnifromServer 3.3 (and UPX) and 3.2a, but no one are faster than the others.



And sorry for my bad english.

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