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Installing PHPBB3.1 on the phpBB3 MiniServer?


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Is it possible to install PHPBB 3.1 on the phpBB3 MiniServer.


I downloaded and run the phpBB3 MiniServer works perfect great idea love it, then I got the idea hey just download the latest version of the PHPBB 3.1 and install it on the already running MiniServer.


So I did, I unzipped the phpbb 3.1 to C:\mini_server_17_phpbb\udrive\www\phpBB31 then called up the Install process by typing in http://localhost:8097/phpbb31/install/ in the browser where I was met by error




You don't have permission to access /phpbb31/install/ on this server.


Ok how do I gain permissions to install <_<



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