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REFERER is not localhost


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When I click 'Run MySQL Server', I get an error message....


Security alert!

Possible attack HTTP_REFERER is not localhost. but ''.


(to disable this warning go: /home/admin/CGI/Secure.pm)


.... yet I'm reaching this page from http://localhost/a/


Is this normal?


I have disabled the warning as instructed, but doing so makes me a little nervous....



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There is a bug with that security system. To block people, except localhost, try using the .htaccess file to do that.


Don't worry, you are safe... use the .htacess for extra protection also :)


Just put this:


Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Figured I'd piggyback on this topic since it's dealing with the same issue(s) I'm having. -_-


First off, let me say that I love Uniform Server! I found it today while at work 'cause the boss really likes some of the PHP/MySQL scripts I use and wanted to make them available to the rest of the employees (we are on a non *nix server). I ran it (with PHPmyAdmin and MySQL without a hitch - piece of cake!


Anyway, when I got home today, I downloaded 3.3 for myself and ran into the above mentioned problem. I commented out the warning in the appropriate file - but when I try to access phpMyadmin, I get "Server is not responding". :)


I'm running Norton Internet Security - could that be the culprit?

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