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Automatic Starting of UniServer

Len Jacobson

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I have UniServer 8.9.2 installed on my Windows 8.1 laptop. I start it by executing "Start_as_program.exe" and it works fine.


But I find it curious that when I do start it up with "Start_as_program.exe", the MySQL server starts up automatically, but I have to manually start up the Apache server.


Why won't they both start up when I execute "Start_as_program.exe"?


Additionally, I really would like both the Apache server and the MySQL server to start automatically whenever I reboot my computer.


Is there a way to do that?


Thank you.


Len Jacobson

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Additionally, I really would like both the Apache server and the MySQL server to start automatically whenever I reboot my computer.

Is there a way to do that?


Use Start_as_service

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