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Stranhe issue using Vhosts with UNISERVER ZERO XI 11.1.4


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Hello and thank you you all for all your effort.


I'm using UNIFORM Zero as in object and I'm having strange issue using vhost.


I correclty added a vhosts locally called tlcdeal.loc and all seesm to woks as expected. I digit http://tlcdeal.loc and the site will be opened locally.

That's it if I use UNISERVER ZERO XI control panel to start Apache and Mysql but If I use the Uniform Server Service to install and run Apache and Mysql as Services when I try to open tlc.loc it open me the default uniserver home page.


I'm pretty sure that is my fault but don't understand where the problem is.


Please can you help me solving this issue?


The system I'm using is Windows Xp with SP3 updated with and all patch.


Thank you for your support.

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... doing some other test to try to spot the problem but I still don't understand.

just removed service and reinstalled.

Now pointing on url tlcdeal.loc instead of getting uniserver home page I'm getting "You don't have permission to access / on this server" but no .htaccess files in tlcdeal directory.


For testing purpose just created a test.loc virtual host (using uniserver interface). In vhosts directoy I've the drawer test and inside a .htaccess with an icon.

Win host file is modified with both entries: tlcdeal.loc test.loc


Restarted apache service and again if I point to url : tlcdeal.loc getting "You don't have permission to access / on this server"

If I point to url test.loc I've again the uniformserver root page.


Both urls are working as expected If I start Apache from unicontroller, not as service.


I hope seomone of you can help me solving this problem.

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...deleted all vhost


recreated again all vhosts : tlcdeal.loc, test.loc, and another one mio.loc


Win host file is modified with: test.loc mio.loc tlcdeal.loc


Modification of win host file was done automagically by the Unicontroller XI V1.1.0


Started apache and mysql using the Unicontroller XI V1.1.0


All the urls, when I call them, shown favicon.ico file in there then seems to works correctly


Stopped apache and mysql, installed it as services using Uniservice XI 1.0.3.


Calling all the 3 urls now all give me the same errore message "You don't have permission to access / on this server".


At least now I'm getting the same error !!! :huh:


Thanks to all the one would help me solve the problem.

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adding apache error log:

[Mon Apr 28 11:49:57.917024 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:57.917024 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:57.917024 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:57.917024 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:57.917024 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:57.917024 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/mio] does not exist
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/test] does not exist
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/tlcdeal] does not exist
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.088909 2014] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00455: Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) PHP/5.3.28 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.088909 2014] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00456: Apache Lounge VC10 Server built: Mar 17 2014 10:48:43
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.088909 2014] [core:notice] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00094: Command line: 'C:\\UniServer\\core\\apache2\\bin\\httpd_z.exe -d C:/UniServer/core/apache2'
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.088909 2014] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 12568:tid 232] AH00418: Parent: Created child process 12736
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.713945 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.713945 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.713945 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.713945 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.713945 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.713945 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/mio] does not exist
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/test] does not exist
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/tlcdeal] does not exist
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.854578 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.854578 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.854578 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.854578 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.854578 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${US_ROOTF} is not defined
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.854578 2014] [core:warn] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00111: Config variable ${HOME} is not defined
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/mio] does not exist
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/test] does not exist
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [C:/UniServer/core/apache2/${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/tlcdeal] does not exist
[Mon Apr 28 11:49:58.963960 2014] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 12736:tid 1896] AH00354: Child: Starting 150 worker threads.

Server console set:




USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\Amigamerlin




Seems that when in service mode variable are not set.

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... finally got it working but need to manual modify httpd-vhosts.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAdmin webmaster@tlcdeal.loc
 DocumentRoot ${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/tlcdeal
 ServerName tlcdeal.loc
 ServerAlias www.tlcdeal.loc *.tlcdeal.loc
 ErrorLog logs/tlcdeal.loc-error.log
 CustomLog logs/tlcdeal.loc-access.log common
 <Directory "${HOME}\vhosts\tlcdeal">
   Options Indexes Includes
   AllowOverride All   
   Require all granted

manually modified in the below way:

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAdmin webmaster@tlcdeal.loc
 DocumentRoot C:/UniServer/vhosts/tlcdeal
 ServerName tlcdeal.loc
 ServerAlias www.tlcdeal.loc *.tlcdeal.loc
 ErrorLog logs/tlcdeal.loc-error.log
 CustomLog logs/tlcdeal.loc-access.log common
 <Directory "C:\UniServer\vhosts\tlcdeal">
   Options Indexes Includes 
   AllowOverride All   
   Require all granted 

and now it works. Maybe a bug or what?

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“I'm pretty sure that is my fault but don't understand where the problem is. “


No! Its not your fault you have discovered a bug in UniService.exe


After installing Apache service:

Open file: \UniServerZ\core\apache2\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf

You will find two variables ${US_ROOTF} and ${HOME} have not been replace with correct paths.


Replace these with the appropriate paths and the Vhost will work correctly.


For example if your full path to Uniform Server is: C:\UniServerZ


Replace ${HOME} with C:\UniServerZ

Replace ${US_ROOTF} with C:/UniServerZ


Note: New module ZeroXI_uniservice_1_0_5.exe published which resolves the above.


All the best


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“I'm pretty sure that is my fault but don't understand where the problem is. “


No! Its not your fault you have discovered a bug in UniService.exe


After installing Apache service:

Open file: \UniServerZ\core\apache2\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf

You will find two variables ${US_ROOTF} and ${HOME} have not been replace with correct paths.


Replace these with the appropriate paths and the Vhost will work correctly.


For example if your full path to Uniform Server is: C:\UniServerZ


Replace ${HOME} with C:\UniServerZ

Replace ${US_ROOTF} with C:/UniServerZ


Note: New module ZeroXI_uniservice_1_0_5.exe published which resolves the above.


All the best



Thank you for your answers !!!


Just downloaded ZeroXI_uniservice_1_0_5.exe.

About info it report Uniservice XI 1.0.4 - my previous one was Uniservice XI 1.0.3.

Removed service and reinstalled.

Still having same variable issue :mellow: (apache error log)

Seems that ${AP_PORT} is not adressed too . I've upated it manually and works


Sorry for that :mellow:

Edited by amigamerlin
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I'm really confused, now seems that works. Seems that the variable become real value just after the service will be installed but it's dependent of the running or not of unicontroller. Seems that if unicontroller is running service don't apply modification. I'm still not sure about the translation in real value of ${AP_PORT} variable. I was not able to have applied it by the service install.


Anyway thank you for your effort helping me.



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