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ZeroXI runas (service)


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I'm using ZeroXI on a windows 2008 r2 server.


I need to access shares (CIFS) in our domain from within PHP scripts.


When I used coral I started the apache and mysql as a service under a special system user (runas) who had acces to those shares.


But I cannot start ZeroXI as a service is there a solution or trick I can use?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Please refer to the documentation :) For the start-up menu link, it's in your docs here: `UniServerZ/docs/manual/extra.html#PC-Win start-up`




Running applications, as a service requires registry entries and these by definition are not portable because of this running as a service is not supported. In contrast applications run as a standard program are portable and easily converted, however after powering-up a PC they require manually restarting. This disadvantage is resolved by optionally placing an entry in the start-up menu to provide automatic restarting. Although not portable it is a small concession for users that require this functionality however it does retain all the advantages of running applications as standard programs.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, sorry to resurrect an older post with my first question, but i felt it would bypass a couple of steps as i wanted to ask the same questions as above.


I understand Lyle's post above, but is there no other way to run these as services as you could in previous versions? I ask this because simply adding them to startup just simply isnt the same. You cant stop and start them at will and if i do stop and restart, they are then running as the logged on user and stop as soon as you log off. You also cant specify a restricted user for them to run as, thus creating potential security problems.


I don't see this would reduce portability. Its the users choice to install the service, and you can still just stop the service, pick the files up and run the application on another machine if needs be.

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Service support has been requested several times.


This is addressed with the release of Uniform Server 11.0.5-ZeroXI


See announcements for details Uniform Server 11.0.5-ZeroXI released


All the best


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Seems to be working just fine!


Only problem i ran into is that the paths in the vhost file dont get updated with the static path so i had to fix that manually.

Also new vhosts added by the controller program still use the dynamic path rather than static.

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Good to know! ... thanks! :)

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