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I am using UniServer Zero XI 11.00 with default included PHP 5.4 on Windows 7 32-bits

I replaced MySQL with ZeroXI_mariadb_10_0_4.exe


I added the following to php_production.ini :


When I start Apache, then I receive the following error :


httpd_z.exe - System Error


The program can't start because libintl.dll is missing from your

computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.


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Uniform Server does not directly support PostgreSQL only MySQL or MariaDB.

This extension php_pdo_pgsql.dll is for PostgreSQL and should not be enabled.
Note: The missing dll is part of the PostgreSQL installation.

All the best

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I installed UniServer on computer 1 and I want to connect with PHP to a Postgres DB stored on computer 2. This worked with the old versions of UniServer by using the extension php_pdo_pgsql.dll. The file php_pdo_pgsql.dll is included in the latest version of UniServer but gives an error when using it.


Following your answer, I did a default install of Postgres on computer 1. But the error is still there.

I copied on computer 1 the file c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\libintl.dll to \UniServerZ\core\apache2\bin\libintl.dll. The error is now gone when I start Apache.

I hope this is all I have to do to get PostgreSQL working again with UniServer.

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Your solution is ok and since Apache does not complain about any other missing dll’s there is nothing else to do.

Apache searches the system path for dlls and could not find libintl.dll however placing it in UniServerZ\core\apache2\bin, which is on the path the dll, is found.
Just wondering if you are using a portable version of Postgresql this would explain why Apache couldn’t find the dll.

Anyway glad you have a solution

All the best

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I downloaded and installed PostgreSQL version 9.3.1, Win-x86-32 from following link :



There is no mention on there site that this is a portable version. By default it is installed in Program Files. But the software directory from PostgreSQL is not added to the system path. Which explains why Apache couldn't find the DLL.


There also exists a binaries zip file from PostgreSQL version 9.3.1, Win-x86-32 at following link :


The binaries zip file also contains the file libintl.dll.


Thanks for your help.

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