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Uniform Server PHP MiniServers


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Uniform Server PHP MiniServers (PHP built in webserver)


This release updates PHP to 5.4.10


The Uniform Server PHP MiniServer series provide a graphical

user interface to the PHP 5.4 built-in web server.


The Uniform Server PHP MiniServer series feature:


Basic - UniServerMini and UniServerMicro:

* Single button to start and stop server.

* Multi-server configuration allows running more than

one server instance.

* Menu options to change server port and perform port test.

* Menu option to hide server command window.

* Select server root folder from popup menu.

* Select router file from popup menu.

* Single button click to display a specific web page.

* HTML documentation

* Portable – Run from USB memory stick.


SSL Enabled - UniServerMiniSSL and UniServerMicroSSL:

* Multi-server configuration not supported.

* SSL Support - Uses Stunnel wrapper server.

* Menu to create server certificate.

* Menu to change Stunnel configuration.


Downloads: PHP MiniServer




UniServerMicro and UniServerMicroSSL are cut down

versions of UniServerMini and UniServerMiniSSL

The micro versions do not include ICU support.




The Uniform Server Development Team :)/>

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