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The Uniform Server Community

Uniform Server 8.7.1-Coral


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Uniform Server 8.7.1-Coral Released:


This release updates PHP to 5.4.10


Core components:

Apache 2.4.3 - Built with OpenSSl 0.9.8x

MySQL 5.5.28

PHP 5.4.10

phpMyAdmin 3.5.4

Go-Pear 1.1.6 - Preinstalled

msmtp 1.4.30

APC 3.1.13

eAccelerator 1.0-GIT-42067ac7e2

OpenSSL 1.0.1c

ActivePerl via Installer

Cron - Scheduler

DtDNS - IP address updater

db_backup - Database back-up



UniServer 8.7.1-Coral




The Uniform Server Development Team :)/>

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