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Serving pages not on W: drive?


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;) I'm just getting my feet wet in HTML, etc.


Most of the HTML pages I want to serve from Uniform Server are located under C:\UniServer3_2a\diskw, i.e., the W:\ drive, along with their supporting images and scripts.


But one of the pages I want to provide is an image-map that points to a LARGE collection of U.S. Sectional Maps in .jpg format, as provided by zovirl here:



The image-map .htm file and all the .jpg files are over on the C: drive, so I figured my link should look like:


<a href="file://C:/SectionalCharts/index.html">Zovirl US Sectionals</a>...

(I also tried with 3 /// slashes after the file:, but no difference).

But that doesn't work :angry:

(It DOES work when called directly on the server PC, but not from my remote laptop).

I realize that this might be a security issue, and so the remote browser may refuse to open a file on the server's host machine.


Is there any way of opening files that aren't on the W: drive? Or do I have to move the files onto the W: drive?


- Jeff

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