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Wiki down


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has anyone noticed that the Wiki has been down for several days. I haven't been able to access it for almost 2 weeks now... What's going on?


MessagesEn.php is missing.


#0 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/LocalisationCache.php(292): LocalisationCache->initLanguage('en')
#1 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/LocalisationCache.php(222): LocalisationCache->loadSubitem('en', 'messages', 'mainpage')
#2 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/languages/Language.php(1793): LocalisationCache->getSubitem('en', 'messages', 'mainpage')
#3 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(643): Language->getMessage('mainpage')
#4 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(1183): MessageCache->get('mainpage', true, true)
#5 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(1163): wfMsgGetKey('mainpage', true, true, true)
#6 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(1129): wfMsgReal('mainpage', Array, true, true)
#7 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/Title.php(336): wfMsgForContent()
#8 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(78): Title::newMainPage('mainpage')
#9 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/includes/Wiki.php(54): MediaWiki->parseTitle()
#10 /home/uniforms/public_html/wiki/index.php(56): MediaWiki->__construct()
#11 {main}

<p class="bbc_center"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Yoni</strong></span></p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're having problems with a file that keeps disappearing.

I have been checking the Wiki twice daily and I put back the file when it need it. Sort of like walking the dog :blink:


I need a site-check that actually "sees" what's returned, so we can figure out when this file goes away. So far, there's been NO information of value in the server logs.




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We're having problems with a file that keeps disappearing.

I have been checking the Wiki twice daily and I put back the file when it need it. Sort of like walking the dog :blink:


I need a site-check that actually "sees" what's returned, so we can figure out when this file goes away. So far, there's been NO information of value in the server logs.




That's odd. Files shouldn't just dissapear. If you are not the Administrator of the server you should contact them and ask them to look at the file and set a rule for it. It seems like your host is removing the file for whatever reason. Perhaps their security check finds it as a vurnerability. You are hosted in a Windows Server. Wondering what could be causing IIS to do this? Weird and interesting. Would love to find out.

<p class="bbc_center"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Yoni</strong></span></p>

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  • 6 years later...

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