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AWStats for Coral?


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Not yet. We're still working on getting the base package stable.


Very few of the plug-ins and add-ons have been updated for use with 8-Coral, but we'll get there some day. :)


If you'd like to help, we'd be happy to have your input! PM me.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Current version of AWStats is 7.0


I try to use version 7.0 without success, I'm sure the problem is mine, but installing 6.9 and using the module provided in the WiKi I can confirm is working, so I can access it:

I just edit the config file of AWStats - awstats.conf adding the full path to Apache access log file.


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Done, i hope nothing is forgotten.


Install AWStats 7 on UniServer Coral


Step 1:

Download ActivePerl from http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads and save it to C:\UniServer\alt_diag\install_perl


Step 2:

After the download is complete, go to C:\UniServer\alt_diag\install_perl and run extract_install_perl.bat

Wait until the installation is finished.


Step 3:

Download the AWStats ZIP-package from http://awstats.sourceforge.net/#DOWNLOAD (latest stable is 7.0 today)

Choose some savepath, e.g. My Documents / Downloads


Step 4:

Open the AWStats zip-package and navigate to awstats-7.0/wwwroot/cgi-bin

Copy everything inside the cgi-bin into C:\UniServer\cgi-bin\awstats (create the folder manually)

Copy the following folders to C:\UniServer\www\awstats :





(they are locatet at awstats-7.0/wwwroot in the zip-package).


Step 5:

Rename the file awstats.model.conf under C:\UniServer\cgi-bin\awstats to awstats.domain.com.conf

If you use dyndns it looks like this: awstats.name.dyndns.org.conf


Step 6:

Now open the renamed conf-file with Notepad++ or another real editor.

Find the line LogFile= and change it to LogFile="C:/UniServer/usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log"

Find the line SiteDomain= and change it to SiteDomain="domain.com" (use the SAME domain as in the filename!)

Find the line DirCgi= and change it to DirCgi="/cgi-bin/awstats"

To show the icons, graphs and the css layout,

find the line DirIcons= and change it to DirIcons="http://localhost/awstats/icon"


Step 7:

If you want to update the stats immediately on the AWStats site, enable it:

Find the line AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=0 and change it to AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1


Step 8:

Now open the browser and go to: http://localhost/cgi-bin/awstats/awstats.p...nfig=domain.com <<- the same domain as the filename: awstats.domain.com.conf


Step 9, Security:

If you want only access from localhost, create a .htaccess file at C:\UniServer\cgi-bin\awstats\ with this content:


Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from

Allow from ::1



If everything shows zero's, click on Update now on the top of the page. If no update now link appears, check step 7.

Updated 23Feb12 BobS

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So the key here is that there are two different steps.

First, install Perl. That's taken care of by following the "standard" Perl install.

THEN, install AWStats. This includes getting the config set to the proper domain and directories.


Very nice. Thanks!



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WTF! Why i can't edit my posts after some time? Bad forum settings.


I forgot an line at step 6. AWStats won't show the icons, graphs and the css layout.


Find the line DirIcons= and change it to DirIcons="http://localhost/awstats/icon"


But remind: You must copy the following folders to C:\UniServer\www\awstats :






(they are locatet at awstats-7.0/wwwroot in the zip-package).

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OS: MS Windows XP SP3 Pro

Uniserver 7.1.5 Orion - working just fine

Following the steps provided here exactly w/o success!

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:21 2012] [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.3.10 DAV/2 configured -- resuming normal operations

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:21 2012] [notice] Server built: Jan 26 2012 14:02:59

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:21 2012] [notice] Parent: Created child process 5040

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:22 2012] [notice] Child 5040: Child process is running

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:22 2012] [notice] Child 5040: Acquired the start mutex.

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:22 2012] [notice] Child 5040: Starting 250 worker threads.

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:22 2012] [notice] Child 5040: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:32 2012] [error] [client] (OS 3)The system cannot find the path specified. : couldn't create child process: 720003: awstats.pl

[Thu Feb 23 18:19:32 2012] [error] [client] (OS 3)The system cannot find the path specified. : couldn't spawn child process: C:/UniServer/cgi-bin/awstats/awstats.pl

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It worked for me without a hiccup.


Thanks for this simple guide. I'm gonna add it to the guides :)


Credits to you @ linked to this page unless you have a site that you would like me to link it to.


p.s I used my server's local IP instead of localhost otherwise it will not display any images at all from another computer in my network or from outside.


Perhaps it would be prudent to use DirIcons="http://server_ip/awstats/icon" instead of localhost e.x:

DirIcons="" (this is the server's local IP address if you are behind a firewall/static NAT).


Also, add an .htaccess by default (sorry, I'm always paranoid about unnecessary access unless explicitly allowed). In my opinion, security will always be loose if you leave it up to the end user. It is (as a recommendation) effective to always restrict access and have the end user relax it as needed (IF it is ever needed in the first place).




# Server folder \cgi-bin\awstats .htaccess

# This file provides server security limiting access to the localhost only.

# Comment next four lines to deactivate. (Allow external access)



Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from

Allow from ::1



# Allow access from local network (LAN)

# Uncomment next line(s) to activate. (Allow local network access)

# Add your own network/subnet if not in this range.



#Allow from

#Allow from

#Allow from

#Allow from



# /8 means you can connect from 192.x.x.x

# /16 means 192.168.x.x

# /24 means 192.168.1.x

# /32 means 192.168.1.x where x=Exact match e.x=



# Hiding the folder contents can be pretty useful from security point of view

# If not enabled in Uniserver Default Directives


Options -Indexes


<p class="bbc_center"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Yoni</strong></span></p>

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Ok now I could use some help to make me understand and fix this for everyone else in the long run.


AWStats did not find any valid log lines that match your LogFormat parameter, in the 50th first non commented lines read of your log.

Your log file D:/UniServer/usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log must have a bad format or LogFormat parameter setup does not match this format.


Your AWStats LogFormat parameter is: 1

This means each line in your web server log file need to have "combined log format" like this: - - [10/Jan/2001:02:14:14 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1234 "http://www.fromserver.com/from.htm" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"


And this is an example of records AWStats found in your log file (the record number 50 in your log): - - [28/Feb/2012:23:07:32 -0500] "GET /awstats/icon/other/button.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 147



Setup ('D:/UniServer/cgi-bin/awstats/awstats.unlockforus.com.conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.

Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).


If I run it on a test Uniserver (everything runs with Administrator privileges) it works. So my believe is that there is a permission issue in the production server...?

<p class="bbc_center"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Yoni</strong></span></p>

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Ok now I could use some help to make me understand and fix this for everyone else in the long run.

If I run it on a test Uniserver (everything runs with Administrator privileges) it works. So my believe is that there is a permission issue in the production server...?


In the awstats config change the line `logformat` (cant remind the exact name) from 1 to 4.

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In the awstats config change the line `logformat` (cant remind the exact name) from 1 to 4.

Thank you. I should've read the config file options. :)

<p class="bbc_center"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Yoni</strong></span></p>

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