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Windows 2003 Server Problem


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I have installed Uniserver 8 (Coral) on a 2003 Server PC. The file root is c:/UniServer.

When I run the Start_as_program.exe I get a script error as follows:


Line: 423

Char: 8

Error: Invalid use of Null: 'Split'

Code: 0

URL: file:///C:/UniServer/uni_con/includes/core_functions_inc.vbs


If I continue the server program window appears but when I select start Apache I get another script error:


Line: 893

Char: 4

Error: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Code: 0

URL: file:///C:/UniServer/uni_con/includes/core_functions_inc.vbs


I assume the vbscript is the problem but I have no experience with it.


Any help --- please?

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It appears so. WinSrvr2008 should have VC9 files included, which is the only other library required (as I recall).




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