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Restoring Large Databases?


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I setup Uniformserver as a test site at home for a phpbb3 message board, try all my mods here if they work upload to the online server.


When using phpMyadmin to restore a 30 meg database it never completes and times out or I think it does the right frame of the screen goes all white or blank then when you refresh the screen only part of the tables are restored.


When the restore is running very little CPU or memory is being used.


Tried to use Bigdump it never completes either just stops on a page that says "Processing file: backup" the list the file name its processing.


Cant understand why out of the box the tools for processing databases never seem to work and cant handle any large databases.




I can restore the same databases on paid hosting servers so I know it can be done and assume its all just in settings?



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You need to adjust the php basic configuration. Use 40M for both Maximum post size and Maximum upload size. The script time is 300 secs, but you may want to change it to 600, just to be sure.


This is true for any version of The Uniform Server.




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I setup Uniformserver as a test site at home for a phpbb3 message board, try all my mods here if they work upload to the online server.


When using phpMyadmin to restore a 30 meg database it never completes and times out or I think it does the right frame of the screen goes all white or blank then when you refresh the screen only part of the tables are restored.


When the restore is running very little CPU or memory is being used.


Tried to use Bigdump it never completes either just stops on a page that says "Processing file: backup" the list the file name its processing.


Cant understand why out of the box the tools for processing databases never seem to work and cant handle any large databases.




I can restore the same databases on paid hosting servers so I know it can be done and assume its all just in settings?

I'll assume you are running at least v8 Coral...


Copy your database to X:\UniServer\etc\phpmyadmin


Open phpMyAdmin and go to Import...


Use the option "Select from the web server upload directory X:/UniServer/etc/phpmyadmin/:" and your database should be listed there. Select it :)


It shouldn't time out now.


You can delete the database from that folder once it is completely imported.


Hope this helps

<p class="bbc_center"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Yoni</strong></span></p>

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