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Coral 8.1.0RC3


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Coral-8 new release candidate has been published.

Please test and post any problems or issues you find on the forum.




Bug - Fail to change MySQL password at start-up

Bug - Bugs introduced after sorting out memory leak.

Bug – MySQL incorrect host setting

Bug - Server access user settings www,ssl and phpMyAdmin

Added bind-address= to [mysqld] config section

Set APC as default PHP Accelerator


Downloads folder:

UniServer 8.1.0RC3-Coral



Beta releases:

Coral_8_2_0B2.exe: Changes made to Coral_8_1_0RC3.exe

- Apache updated to 2.4.0RC


Coral_8_3_0B3.exe: Changes made to Coral_8_1_0RC3.exe

- Apache updated to 2.4.0RC

- PHP updated to 5.4.0RC5

- Note: No APC or eAccelerator


Beta download folder as above.



The Uniform Server Development Team :)

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It's still not quite soup. :)


I've done some very detailed testing, and I have sent the list of problems privately to Ric. He's fixing them and we'll have another release next week.




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