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uniserver 8.0.0 and Firefox Portable


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Hi there,


Hope I have placed this topic in the correct area of the forum, if not I apologise it is my first post.


I have Uniserver 8.0.0 on my USB and it is all working fine except that it is opening the IE browser on my office PC. I would rather it opened Firefox Portable from my USB, is it possible if so how do I make this change?



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Yeah ironoverload, you get to choose which browser is your favorite from your own system. If Internet Explorer opens any HTML files it is because your system is set to do so. If you right click an HTML file you might get a choice to enter open with Firefox. If you type the html page into the address bar the UniServer has already opened the system browser, in this case Internet Explorer. Open Firefox from the programs menu or desktop icon and you should be prompted to use it as your favorite system browser. You should have IE, Firefox and Chrome browsers to test HTML and CSS as well as scripts accross the board. Even fonts are rendered differently in each. Presentation is everything. That being said, each browser should have the option to change from one browser to the other built into their 'Tools' or 'Internet Options'. Maybe Bill Gates wouldn't have lost the bogus Monoply suit if he had done so. It makes sence for developers to be able to switch between browsers that way so they don't have to reload everything to see the html output but the programing may not. Most of the Geniuses will have a far easier method of using several different browsers at the same time. Usualy a multi screen system with each browser open in a different screen which allows them to move the browsers from one to another screen. The Beauty of that is that you can test HTML and CSS output in a variety of standard screen sizes! One of these days.

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