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Coral 8.0 - dev vs prod php.ini inconsistencies


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just downloaded Coral 8.0 and decided to run a diff on the production vs development .ini files. turned out there were some differences beyond what was expected. i'm attaching a diff report for your viewing/fixing pleasure. couple comments:


+1 for the shortened links to the php manual (http://php.net/soap.wsdl-cache-dir rather than http://www.php.net/manual/en/soap.configur...wsdl-cache-dir) they seem to auto-detect/redirect based on the locale from useragent string / ip, etc.


the "variables_order" defaults are set inconsistently with the description in the accompanying comment. EGPCS vs GPCS. if the comments are to be believed, they both should read"GPCS".





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it also seems i am unable to figure out how to switch between development and production without manually replacing the file.


i changed the value in \uni_con\config_tracker.ini to "development" and restarted the the tray/program/server with no effect, though it does show "development" in the server status panel.


phpinfo() still shows production values and php.ini is still the production version. something isn't swapping the php.ini file.


as long as we're on the subject, it would be cool to name the prod/dev templates "php.production.ini" and "php.development.ini" to retain an "ini" extension and make it easy to double-click edit them with syntax highlighting editors which recognize the .ini extension. the way they're named now, windows has no idea what to do and i dont fancy having to add ".ini_development" to my shell-handled type associations.

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D'oh! You're EXACTLY right on the names!

It always takes a fresh pair of eyes to find these obvious things. HOWEVER, that's a pretty well integrated name set, so it will take a bit to fix it. It took a wile just to change the spelling error on "development" a while back. ;-)


CHANGING from Prod to Dev should be done by using the Unicontroller Server Configuration >PHP >Switch to Development Configuration file.

It really works! You'll find that the php.ini changes to have the contents of the php.ini.development file.




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D'oh! You're EXACTLY right on the names!

It always takes a fresh pair of eyes to find these obvious things. HOWEVER, that's a pretty well integrated name set, so it will take a bit to fix it. It took a wile just to change the spelling error on "development" a while back. ;-)


CHANGING from Prod to Dev should be done by using the Unicontroller Server Configuration >PHP >Switch to Development Configuration file.

It really works! You'll find that the php.ini changes to have the contents of the php.ini.development file.





"well-integrated"? i can't imagine what this means. BobS, meet grep. Grep, meet BobS. (specifically http://tools.tortoisesvn.net/grepWin.html if you like it for free, or windows' own findstr, or qgrep http://ss64.com/nt/qgrep.html)


it's odd that disabling the nag screen can be done by editing the ini file, but switching between prod and dev can only be done via a gui, i know we're in windows, but come on. what far-reaching black magic can it possibly be working?

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Bob is conversant with Windows Grep and several other windows tools.


There is no “far-reaching black magic” the control architecture can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.


To manually switch between production and development requires you to delete php.ini make a copy of either php.ini_production or php.ini_development and rename this copy to php.ini. As the name implies you need to update config_tracker.ini and change the appreciate parameter in “Set by script do not change” section.


“it's odd that disabling the nag screen can be done by editing the ini file” This is valid because it’s contained in the “USER OPTIONS” section which is intended to be configurable by a user.


“windows has no idea what to do and i dont fancy having to add ".ini_development" to my shell-handled type associations” point noted.


All the best


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thanks for the explanation. it would be great to have tighter integration though, and it can be achieved i think.


if the dev/prod setting is user-changed, on apache startup simply detect the ini version being used (it's already in the first few lines of the file) and if it differs, then do the same thing that happens when it's done through the ui. i see no reason why this needs to be restricted to the "do not change section".


i would be interested in altering the scripts myself and submitting them to you guys to integrate. is there some global architecture overview doc that outlines the general directory structure and program flow? is the "Start_as_program.exe" just a way to run a windbinder script?




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Well, it's not Winbinder (Ric knows), but if you look through some of the code, I think it will be easy to see what to do. The main place to look is in uni_con\includes\core_functions_inc.vbs. That's where the move functions are.

Send a PM to Ric or me with your first tries, and we'll reply with suggestions.




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