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The Uniform Server Community

Uniform Server 8.0.B8-Coral


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Uniform Server 8.0.B8-Coral Released:


Core components:

Apache 2.2.21

MySQL 5.5.17

PHP 5.3.8


Go-Pear 1.1.6

msmtp 1.4.25

eAccelerator 1.0-snv427

OpenSSL 1.0.0e


Documentation - Included. Pages in HTML format.



UniServer 8.0.B8-Coral


Wiki Documentation:

Detailed documentation has been published on the Uniform Server Wiki.

The Uniform Server 8-Coral


Please report any problems or issues on the forum. If you have suggestions or ideas for enhancements these would be most welcome again post on the forum.



The Uniform Server Development Team ;)

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