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Access phpadmin over VPN connection


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I have just set up a VPN connection to the computer running Uniform Server 7.0 on Windows 7. While remotely connected through the VPN tunnel, I am able to access the web pages hosted locally on the Uniform Server by entering the local computer's IP address. However I am unable to connect to the phpadmin console because I am getting a 403 Forbidden error message from my browsers (I have tried Firefox, Chrome and Opera).


Is there a permissions/authentication setting that I am missing? Or how should I go about connecting to mySQL through the VPN tunnel?


Thanks for any advice,



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Security for phpMyAdmin is controlled via UniServer\home\admin\www\.htaccess. Edit this file and add the IP of your VPN. Exactly what that address is depends on the nature of your VPN setup.

For example, putting in

Allow from 192.168

will enable any machine on your LAN. This will enable a router-based VPN that terminates at address




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