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minimize Coral to system tray?


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hi Ric,


in Coral it looks like there is no longer a way to control Uniform Server from a tray menu. this is def a added inconvenience but not a big deal. a bigger deal is that i cannot find any way to minimize it to system tray. i don't like W7's "Superbar" and do not group my programs, so the config panel wastes a whole lot of real-estate on my taskbar.


it would be great to at least have an option to minimize to tray and show server status in the icon somehow that would open the control panel when clicked. i cannot daily-drive / test Coral till some send-to-tray functionality is implemented. sticking with Orion till then.


i've noticed a slow gutting of features from the tray menu in general. Unitray2 had server/service status indication at one point, Orion removed this. now Coral seems to have done away with it entirely ;)




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  • 1 month later...
Another vote for this. It's a nuisance having the program in the taskbar when I don't need to access it after the server is started.

After starting servers you can close the menu and restart it when required.

Is this feature on the way? Thanks.


Three versions are currently in closed beta:


UniTray basic – Runs either of the two main menus

UniTray medium – As above with provision to start and stop servers program/service

UniTray full – As per Orion with the addition of server status (visual feed back)


Would you like the above offered as plugins or one integrated in final release?


All the best

Ric ;)

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Three versions are currently in closed beta:


Excellent. Although, I wonder why you need three? Seems like extra work for the dev team when the full version could be used by all of us.


After starting servers you can close the menu and restart it when required.


I did not know that. That's an easy workaround for now.


Would you like the above offered as plugins or one integrated in final release?


I guess the obvious answer from a selfish perspective: whichever can be delivered quicker! ;) But it's only a minor issue for me so whichever suits you and the dev team best.


Thanks very much.

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I agree, but only after they've been proven to work right.

That's how we reduce the number of complaints. :-)


I think it's a better idea to have the UniTray as a plugin, since it keeps down the complexity and size of the whole package.




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